“QFS (KLSE)” tab is to show the simplified quarterly financial statement for Bursa Malaysia (KLSE) listed stocks. Data for this tab is only available for stock listed in Bursa Malaysia (KLSE).
The data will be updated once the release of quarterly result by the company.

This tab can be separated into three parts:

1. Individual Quarter Financial Statements

The first table shows the simplified financial figures for 12 latest quarters. The changes for year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter is also calculated.

2. Trailing 4 Quarters (T4Q)

The second table shows the sum of previous 4 quarters (T4Q) and the comparison.

3. 5 FY + T4Q

The third table shows the latest 5 financial years and latest T4Q figures along with the common size analysis. This provide a quick view on the performance of the company for the last 5 financial years.